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Government & other searches when buying a home
Buying a House (not unit etc)
In the Gold Coast City Council area

Land Tax Clearance Search $53.34

Title Search $26.53

Check Search $26.53

Data Protection & Electronic Encoding $32.00

Settlement Attendance $85.00

Land Check Report $55.00

Full Rates Certificate - Improved (incl water meter) $277.55
(10 bus. days)

ASIC Current Company Extract (ONLY IF SELLER IS A COMPANY) $17.37

Special Water Meter Reading (ONLY) $90.30

Building and Plumbing Approvals Report - RESIDENTIAL $523.85
(10 bus. days)

Location check (map) $0.00

Plan Search $28.24

Queensland Transport: Property Search $42.89
(10 bus. days)

National Bankruptcy Search (per name) $26.88

Personal Property Security Register (per name) $22.50

Queensland Building and Construction Commission: Insurance Search - Residential Only $64.00
(8 bus. days)

Mines and Energy: Undermining Search (Per Lot) $60.37
(13 bus. days)

Mines and Energy: Undermining/Shaft Search (Per Lot) - Gympie Region $59.02
(5 bus. days)

Mines and Energy: Property Search (Per Lot) $114.84
(10 bus. days)

EPA: Contaminated Land Search $68.15

Dep Housing and Public Works: Transport Noise Corridor Search $20.42

EPA: Coastal Development Approvals Search $202.70
(21 bus. days)

EPA: Heritage Search (Charged Per Lot) $60.37
(5 bus. days)

Telco Cable Search (Charged per plan) $152.46
(7 bus. days)

Country Energy (Origin) $66.19
(10 bus. days)

Powerlink Property Search - Standard (Per Plan) $77.40
(10 bus. days)

Powerlink Property Search - Urgent (Per Plan) $91.59
(2 bus. days)

QCAT: Neighbourhood Disputes Search $24.90
(10 bus. days)

Dept of ATSI & Multicultural Affairs: Cultural Heritage Search Request - select one of categories 1 - 5 $18.70
(20 bus. days)

Dep Housing and Public Works: Pool Safety Register Search $20.42

DNRM: Foreign Ownership Search $25.09
(2 bus. days)

DNRM: Regulated Vegetation Management Map and Vegetation Management Supporting Map $18.70

EPA: Coastal Management District Search $18.70

National Native Title Tribunal: Search of Tribunal Registers $18.70
(4 bus. days)

Comprehensive Body Corporate Search $473.10
(21 bus. days)

Building Envelope Plans $140.61
(5 bus. days)

Approved as constructed drainage plan (residential) $23.42
(10 bus. days)

Flood Information Search $23.42
(5 bus. days)

SEQ - Energex: Property Search - standard $66.19
(10 bus. days)

SEQ - Energex: Property Search - urgent $101.59